
Brand Intelligence

Stop Brand Impersonation and mitigate it through rapid takedowns. Neutralize business email compromise, address the exploitation of your brand in phishing schemes, and launch takedowns with rich context to your exposure.
Brand Intelligence
Schedule a demo and uncover the threats that no one tells you about

How it Works

We guard your brand, so it stands tall for its reputation


Stop Impersonators. Reduce the risk of digital fraud, brand abuse, and information theft.


Neutralize phishing sites and voice and SMS-based phishing campaigns.


Bring down fraudulent websites that infringe copyrights and violate trademarks.


Detect and take down typosquatting, phishing, and intellectual property theft.


Safeguard Your Digital Risk Perimeter
from Online Brand Abuse


Expand security to cover your organization's online presence, which plays a crucial role in building brand image, attracting customers, selling products, and determining the success of your business.

Wide-Ranging Defence

Protect your brand reputation by ensuring that customers only interact with verified accounts and advertisements across all channels through a reliable and worldwide platform.

Automated Abilities

Reduce mean time to resolution using AI analysis, automated content removal, and user-friendly policies.

Fake Mobile Apps Detection

Cyble safeguards and maintains the value of your brand by identifying, analyzing, and consistently working to eliminate fraudulent mobile applications that negatively impact your company. With its comprehensive approach, Cyble ensures that your brand's reputation and value are protected against these threats.

Fake App

Phishing Intelligence

Cyble's Phishing Intelligence provides security teams with the capability to recognize and respond to phishing attacks, including cross-platform campaigns, regardless of where your business operates. By giving security teams the ability to quickly identify phishing campaigns and take action to prevent them, Cyble's Phishing Intelligence helps to mitigate the risk of a data breach, intellectual property theft, or other serious security incidents.

Brand Mentions

Cyble continuously monitors all conversations and references related to your company or product across all relevant platforms, including the internet and social media, and provides real-time notifications. By staying up-to-date on all discussions and mentions, Cyble helps you stay informed and respond to any issues or concerns in a timely manner, ensuring that your brand's online presence remains positive and protected.

Brand Impersonation

Cybercriminals frequently create fake accounts using your brand's digital assets, making it a laborious task to find them manually. Cyble's service offers a fast and effective solution, enabling you to quickly identify these fake accounts and have them removed, thus protecting your brand's digital assets and reputation. Our service provides you with peace of mind and saves you valuable time by automating the process of discovering and removing fraudulent accounts.

Brand Impersonation

Suspicious Domains

Cyble Suspicious Domain tool offers the ability to scan a website or domain for potential security threats or unusual behaviour. This tool allows you to proactively monitor and assess the safety of a website or domain, providing you with valuable insights into any potential risks and enabling you to take action to protect your organization's assets and reputation.


Subdomain Discovery

Cyble employs a combination of passive and active discovery methods to assist in the examination of subdomains associated with your target domain for various security testing initiatives. This integration provides a comprehensive approach to security testing, giving you a more complete picture of potential vulnerabilities and threats.


Website Monitoring

Cyble's Website Monitoring feature allows you to keep track of any changes or modifications made to the content of your website. This tool provides real-time notifications, ensuring that you are immediately aware of any updates or alterations to your website. Whether you're monitoring your website for content updates, security vulnerabilities, or other potential risks, Website Monitoring provides you with the information and visibility you need to protect your online assets and maintain the integrity of your brand.

Website Watermarking

Cyble's Website Watermarking feature enables the monitoring of website tampering or alteration, known as website defacement. This type of attack involves changing the visual appearance of a website or web page and can have significant impacts on a company's reputation and brand image. This feature provides real-time notifications in the event of a defacement, allowing organizations to quickly respond and take action to restore their website to its original state.

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Brand Intelligence FAQs

Brand Intelligence is the collective term used to define the practice of collecting and analyzing data that relates to customer sentiments and emotions about a brand to identify potential cyber threats. Typically, it involves the collection of data from various sources where consumers are discussing the brand, the application of brand intelligence tools for contextual data analysis, and leveraging these results to craft insights that can accurately predict consumer behavior and reach performance goals. Examples of these goals include reducing customer churn or increasing customer satisfaction. Brand Intelligence can help companies derive actionable insights to predict customer behavior and drive performance through improved customer satisfaction, customer experience, and customer loyalty. The benefits of Brand Intelligence in cybersecurity include better prediction of cyber threats, providing greater business value, and creating an exceptional customer experience that sets your business apart.

Brand Intelligence provides real-time visibility into cyber attacks orchestrated and executed outside of an organization’s security perimeter, including website, social media profiles, and other online properties or assets. It empowers security teams with critical information about brand-related cyber threats, enabling them to acquire full visibility into digital risks with real-time alerts, and act faster to secure the brand.

Brand Intelligence tools can help companies identify and prevent brand abuse by collecting and analyzing data related to customer sentiment and emotion about a brand. By leveraging the resulting insights, companies can predict consumer behavior and reach performance goals, such as reducing customer churn or improving customer satisfaction. Five types of brand abuse can be prevented with competitive and actionable Brand Intelligence; these are:

1. Brand Impersonation:

Attackers often create fake websites or social media accounts to mimic legitimate brands to trick customers into sharing sensitive information.

2. Brand Reputation Damage:

Attacks may also resort to posting negative comments or reviews about a brand on social media or other platforms to further damage the targeted organization’s reputation.

3. Brand Counterfeiting:

In some instances, attackers can create counterfeit products that closely resemble a legitimate brand’s products and sell them to customers.

4. Phishing:

Phishing attacks typically originate when an attacker sends emails or messages appearing to be sent from a legitimate brand in an effort to trick customers into sharing sensitive information.

5. Brand Domain Infringement:

Domain infringement occurs when an attacker registers a domain name that is deliberately crafted to appear similar to a legitimate brand’s domain name. The intent behind this is to redirect this traffic to a fake or malicious website.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a powerful tool for marketers and infosec personnel to improve their brand intelligence. AI helps remove barriers between brands and customers by providing deeper insights into customer behavior, thereby giving marketers key insights to improve user experience and tailor their communications to better suit their audience. AI can also help businesses identify and prevent brand abuse by collecting and analyzing vast quantities of data related to customer sentiment and emotions about a brand.

The benefits of Brand Intelligence are manifold, with applications of this intel benefiting marketing, product, and infosec teams across the board. Some key benefits that an organization can gain via Brand Intelligence are:

  1. Faster and more accurate prediction of cyber threats.
  2. Providing greater business value with insights from across the web.
  3. Crafting a better customer experience that is customized for your audience.
  4. Identifying and preventing incidences of brand abuse to take corrective action on.
  5. Gaining key insights into emerging trends and customer preferences to improve business offerings

Competitive Intelligence is necessary for brands to gather key information regarding a brand’s competitors to gain insights into their strategies, strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. This allows firms to improve or optimize their own offerings to fill a niche and differentiate themselves. Through continuously monitoring a competitor’s online presence, marketing campaigns, customer feedback etc., an organization can get an accurate view of exactly where they stand in the marketplace in context to their competitors.
Competitive intelligence aims to identify opportunities that competitors may be missing, thereby giving your organization a competitive edge in terms of key differentiators, positioning, and pricing to gain a strategic advantage.

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